Snake Game (awesome version!)

19 November 2015

As promised yesterday, I have an awesome version of snake game today. Yesterday’s version was crap, but today’s app is great.

If you have few mins, do give it a try here.

Key Points:

  • I spent a lot of time tinkering with the game logic but was not able to figure out an accurate solution today as well. I was on the right path when I gave up so that feels bad. Lesson learned - don’t give up quickly. Try some more and you might solve the problem.
  • I consulted few tutorials for help - some were good and others not so. Two that stood out are this and this.
  • Slightly off-topic point, but one which I have noticed couple of times now. It’s important to have pen and paper to write things down for better understanding when you are reading someone else’s code or solving a problem. Helps a lot!